Beiträge von mwien

    Die Bezeichnung von Gabi "Badewanne auf Raedern" fand ich gerade fuer Darlington ganz passend. In beiden Practice Session (Tag zuvor und gestern) bin ich nicht wirklich auf eine passende Loesung fuer mich gekommen, was die Setts und die Linienwahl betraf. So hab ich mich am Ende einfach fuer Carsten`s Einstellungen entschieden: 12:1, +10 und 68+3 BB. T3/T4 immer unten und schoen den Wagen rollen lassen.

    Taktik fuers Rennen: laaangsam beginnen, in beiden Stints moeglichst lange draussen bleiben und hoffen, wenn später die Yellows kommen, das ich in der Leadlap bin. Klappte fast. Die zweite Yellow kam aber etwas zu frueh. So war ich -1L down, zum Glück aber auf der Lucky Dog Position. Der Kampf um die Position war dann sehr gluecklich fuer mich. Hermi konnte ich noch hinter mir halten, aber dahinter folgte schon Maik in grossen Schritten und es haette wohl nur noch 1-2 Rd. gedauert und dann haette er mir die Position weggeschnappt. So kam die Yellow zum genau richtigen Zeitpunkt und ich war im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes der Lucky Dog.

    Die Schlussrunden waren dann abwaegen zwischen Risiko oder nicht. Micha und Micha befanden sich so eng im Fight, das ich kurz den Gedanken hatte mich einzumischen, aber 3-wide in T3 vor dem Ziel...Das wäre bestimmt in die Hose gegangen und dann waere die Kacke am Dampfen gewesen. ;) So hab ich mich mit dem 11 Platz zufrieden gegeben.

    War ein tolles Rennen. Hat Spass gemacht und mit dem Ergebnis bin ich sehr zufrieden. :)

    o, ausgeschwitzt...:)

    Gute Qualy, fast genau so wie gestern in der Practice. Ich bin fuers Rennen auch mit den gleichen Einstellungen gefahren: 12:1 und +15 Steering. Nur den BB hatte ich auf Carsten`s 56+3 eingestellt. Fuers Pitten war es noch ein Tick sicherer.

    Ich entschied mich für den ersten Stint von Anfang an oben zu fahren, was ich fuer die richtige Entscheidung hielt, denn die meisten fuhren unten und so konnte ich mich aus allen raushalten. Ausserdem kam das den Reifen zu gute. Zugleich wollte ich später im Draft immer ein bisschen Sprit sparen, weil ich gestern schon gesehen hatte, das ich nur 43 Laps schaffe, wenn ich die ganze Zeit Fullspeed fahre.

    Das Pitten nach dem 1 und 2.Stint waren gut, aber ich sah auch hier, das ich wie gestern im Training ca. 2-3 Sekunden pro Pitten verliere. So auch heute auf Frank und Marius zBsp.

    Nach den letzten Pitten musste ich dann Vollgas geben, um an meine Gegner (Frank, Marius, Sven und Yves) wieder ran zu kommen und zu hoffen, das ich mir dabei nicht total die Reifen versaue. Fuer einen (Yves) hat es gereicht und mit dem Zweiten (Sven) musste ich bis zum Ende um den 6.Platz kaempfen. Nur keinen Fehler machen! Nicht die Wand touchieren!

    Immer wenn er im Rueckspiegel etwas zu nah kam, wechselte ich die Linien. T1/2 und T3/4 kann man ja gut oben, wie unten fahren. Also habe ich staendig versucht die Kurven mal oben und mal unten zu fahren, um den Draft zu verhindern (?) und ihn vielleicht etwas zu irritieren. kA, ob das was gebracht hat... Auf jedenfall hat es sehr viel Spass gemacht und es war spannend bis zum Schluss.:) Ich hatte ja noch gehofft, das mein Rennleiterkollege noch einen Fehler macht, um mir den 5.Platz zu ergattern, aber dem war leider nicht so.;)

    Freu mich tierisch ueber das Ergebnis, tolles Rennen von allen. Schoenes Vatertagsgeschenk.:)

    I like going to Dover and yesterday I had a great time again. Of course my first top 10 place across all series sweetened the whole thing. :)

    I completely changed my steering wheel the day before the practice and went from -2 to +10. I left the rest at 12:1 and 53% BB. Getting a fast lap for the Qually wasn't really easy. The car always felt loose at the exit of the curve. No matter whether with -2 or +10. I then took the turns more in the middle. With 14th place and the 23.3xx I was a tenth slower, but I saw that Carsten and Jakub were also 2 to 3 tenths slower than in practice the day before. So I wasn't alone with my problem.

    The first stint and pitting were fine, but the third stint after the first yellow was complicated. I was -1.0 fuel behind the entire time and couldn't really save fuel in the draft or with only 80% gas. I also fell backwards late in the stint to clutch in the turns to save more fuel. After a few laps, another yellow came out and the problem was solved.

    Now the sprint race started, which is not my thing at all, but this time I got through well and was able to move up to 9th place. I was lucky at Manuel and Sven's UFs that I didn't rush in. It wasn't that easy because in both situations I found myself in a duel with Erik.

    In the end, very happy with the race and my result. :)

    After seeing in practice the day before how tire-killing the track was having on my RF, I decided to ride my own pace from behind without Qualy. I only changed my set from 14:1, 53% BB, -2 steering to +2 steering because the minus setting at the start of the curve was too loose for me later in the stint.

    Unfortunately, the race plan failed at the beginning with the accident. 45 second repair. But after I found that the damage had no effect on the way the car drove and the temperature on the engine, I went back to the plan of staying outside for as long as possible for the 1st and 2nd stint (55 rounds + x), and then each hoping for a yellow. In the second stint I tried to stay in the Lucky Dog position, but from Rd. 105 I realized that it wouldn't work with a yellow anymore and then I went in.

    At the end I tried to make up a few positions, but the car became extremely tight in the last few laps. I have to be happy with 17th place.

    Overall I thought it was a very nice race from the grid. Unfortunately, my slow reaction to the accident really spoils the overall picture. Annoys me.

    Sry, fuer die zu späte Reaktion auf den Unfall L1 und T1. War dafuer wohl noch nicht bereit genug... Ich dachte, die beteiligten Autos sind alle oben, ich bin aus der Gefahr, bis ich Kelvin durch den Rauch sah. Um nicht gerade in ihn rein zu fahren, noch das Lenkrad rumgerissen, aber da stands du Manuel.


    My race ended quick.Since yesterday i noticed that when i hit a wall my steering wheel loose all the connection and it even reboots itself.
    I need to figure this out!

    Dunno if my crash triggerd a yellow flag i pressed escape as quick as possible.

    That was my yellow: Number 2 Lap 42. I come up a little too high in the turn and only give 50% gas when accelerating out, but unfortunately the unforced can no longer be prevented. With contact. Sorry, Yves.

    As Jakub already wrote, the first 2/3 of the race wasn't that bad, but then...unfortunately I was there once too. But one after anonther:

    Unfortunately Qualy messed up, but things went so well in the practice sessions. I probably wanted too much. I drove the race and the qualifying with 12:1, +/- 0 steering and 55BB +/-3. I found the BB in particular extremely important in the race. The track temperature fluctuated back and forth a lot and at times the braking in T2 was loose and at other times it was too tight. I constantly turned the BB up or down depending on the weather.

    Starting from P24, I wasn't particularly fast and so I mostly stalled around P25-30. Everyone was pretty fit on the track and overtaking was extremely difficult for me. Especially inside. Things went better outside.

    Then the race was similar to the last time: the pit window opened, a lot of drivers pitted, I stayed outside and the yellow came. Suddenly I was P11, later briefly P7.

    But with the restart after Yellow 5, from lap179 onwards, I was in trouble.

    My spotter was now completely throwing up into the mic; 2-Wide, 3-Wide, 4-Wide, top, bottom, back and front. How many men are there right now: 2, 3, 4 or 5? I have to admit, I completely lost track of things during this phase and just wanted to somehow leave the mess behind me.

    In all the hustle and bustle, I didn't realize that there was a 4-wide in lap 181 in T2. Shortly before (I think I remember correctly) I had briefly touched Sven on the outside, pulled the car down to give him space, knowing full well that Maik was coming, but I no longer expected Nikita at the bottom of the apron. So I pulled down too low in T3. Maik had no room to move. Nikita and he were practically in cuddle mode and there was a crash.

    Please excuse me, but I think at this point at the latest my level was exceeded in terms of driving control, overview in dangerous situations, concentration and reaction, so that the trouble began. I'm just an old fart.

    So feel free to take the Yellow #06 on me. Fine with me.

    That's how I found myself on P22 after the crash. Now I just wanted to go home, but the wrecking continued and I even ended up in P14. Oh well...

    Despite the Harakiri style in the last 20-30 laps, the race was fun overall and I hope for a full field and nice racing for the second half of the season. Maybe with a little less Wrecken and Yellows. ;)