Beiträge von Carletto7777

    Q lief gut, die Pace war auch gut. Doch dann kamen die Pitstops. Wie man bei jedem Pitstop überschießen kann, ist mir echt schleierhaft. Ich hab null aus dem ersten Fehlversuch gelernt.
    Dadurch hab ich beim YF-Pitstop gut 2s liegen lassen. Da wars dann eh egal und hab noch reparieren lassen. Immerhin deswegen ne Leadlap durchs länger draußen bleiben, yeah.

    Die Krönung war dann der unfreiwillige Stop mit Penalty durchs loose werden. :uff:


    at least I'm not the only one who screws up at the stops. :clown:

    New race to forget, disappointing qualifying, unbelievable pace as I love the circuit, plus I never train the stops, so black flag for not knowing where the cono.... is. I didn't see it because they are on top of the wall and they are the same colour, incomprehensible but you learn from mistakes.

    I think I could have fought until the end to jakub.... grats for the win.

    A race to forget... 2 accidents and a magnet for me.

    In the first accident a lot of things happen besides that more than one doesn't know how to use the brakes, Eric and I couldn't do anything even though it was going to be a low speed accident with little damage but it wasn't like that because from behind they didn't see it or they didn't react in time. 3 minutes of repair under green flag even so the first few laps the leaders took time off me but when the wear came I was lapping the same or faster.

    2nd accident I see that the car is going with 2 laps on the tyres, there comes a time when I think he has the car under control and continues forward but the frame of the windscreen covers it and when I least expect it I eat it.

    I think it is not a problem of being German or American Iberian, it is that we are not used to your rules with which you have been racing for several years, you Germans are just as tough as the Spanish but you differentiate the online races of your championship. Don't tell me in particular you gabriel that you are a tough nut to crack as well as roland daniel in general all of you who are good... that's my opinion.

    Happy for the win and a green race, for my riding style they are fundamental and I love the combination. Next gen-Miami

    I have to start asking myself why qualifying comes and I always fail, because in practice I'm always on top.

    In all the stints I left the tyres above 80% both front and rear, looking at the first stint I thought I was going to compete with Jakub if there was no yellow flag situation, I think it was crucial to stop on lap 60 and take time off him because there comes a point when the tyres equalise. From then on it was just a matter of copying what he was doing to keep the time advantage.

    Great race from all the guys!

    Thanks guys, it was a really fun race with some good fights, I love this combination when it comes to tyre wear.

    If I hadn't qualified so extremely BAD I think I would have won the race, on the other hand I'll take the good overtaking on track.

    @Jeroen Anema On the one hand I was very happy with the eternal parallel at the end of the race, on the other hand we lost a lot of time and tyres to the leaders, but it was still a nice fight.

    I love green races, congratulations to everyone because they happen so often in this championship.

    congrats Daniel Adam

    1st point, at what point did I say that I don't care about other riders? I think I am quite respectful to all the participants on the track, in fact I have made some good friends because of this very point of going to the limit at every corner.

    I take the risk simply because I believe that all the riders will be in their place, otherwise believe me I wouldn't do it.

    2nd point, rule 6.1 I don't think it is bad behaviour on my part to use all my weapons to get the best possible position on a circuit like Talladega but if this championship is run in this way, be assured that I will not do the same thing again.

    I repeat, I accept the rules, I accept the penalty, I accept your criteria but I do not share it on this occasion. I think I have explained myself correctly without being disrespectful to anyone, neither to the organisation nor to any rider.

    For my part I have nothing more to say, greetings to all.

    As I said I don't intend to argue or appeal, I just wanted to give my point of view on the accident as I didn't think anyone would be penalised, 1stly because it was a netcode and 2ndly it was the last corner of the race, if you don't push at that moment I don't know when you have to do it. I go low looking for the sidedraft respecting the center line at all times, if you think it's my fault I respect it but I don't share it.

    I'm sorry because I got the wrong forum, this is not the pro forum.

    Greetings to all

    hello good afternoon, I am not going to argue with anyone about the action I just want to give my point of view and it is the following.

    I have just seen that I have been penalized at Talladega "for going too low in lane 3" that if I was going in a completely straight line and taking advantage of the side air in fact the driver that I claim against me goes up several times and there is a netcode apart from that is the one that goes high, on that track 4 cars enter quietly.

    I've been racing all week in topsplit and in more than one race in that same point we were 4 cars wide without problems.

    My question is this: everything has to be sanctioned, even if it is not in the rules, in the last lap of the race I can not use all my weapons to have the best possible position, going only on the outside I can not use the side air?

    Here is an example of situations that occurred during the whole week.

    Kevin_Adam - 4wide
    Watch Kevin_Adam's clip titled "4wide"

    sorry if something is not clear, google translator.

    I failed the 2 laps of qualifying so I decided to change my strategy to a tyre saving strategy to go for a long stint, they wanted to overtake me so I let them overtake me but a driver lost the car and ended my race, I am not upset about the accident we all can fail (me the first) but I am upset about not braking after the contact as I had the car recovered before I hit the wall.

    He apologised to me and I accept it, but I still have a bad taste in my mouth about one of my favourite circuits :(

    In the first part of the race I wanted to follow Daniel Adam until I realised he was destroying the tyres, so I took it easy because they were coming up fast behind me.

    From the first pit stop I decided to let the laps go by until the last stint when to my surprise the guy I considered my main rival for the win came out of the pits very late, JakubSmetana , what happened to you?

    On the one hand very motivated to do a race at Darlington with only one yellow flag and on the other hand very disappointed with 2 drivers who I don't know if they didn't prepare the race or they are not good enough for this kind of circuits, because every 10 or 20 laps you had to deal with very dangerous situations.

    A pity about your accident Daniel A.

    Where to start in this frustrating race.

    I take the blame for the last yellow, as seeing as the car in front of me wasn't going straight into a corner, I shouldn't even have touched him. I apologise to everyone involved.

    I felt comfortable pushing @Jeroen Anema, who I think is the only driver I met on the track who knew how to be pushed, as he was going straight both when you pushed him and when you didn't push him, in a few laps we took 5 seconds off the chasing group.

    I think a lot of the blame lies with the steering pinion that the drivers use, as they have to turn the steering wheel a lot to correct or take a line.

    In the pit lane entry I don't understand why they don't go at the speed they have to go and also brake in the middle of the pit lane until they reach 70km/h from 97/8km/h and then rejoin the pit lane again.

    I can't remember we had this little tire falloff the last time we ran here... I think my long run pace was pretty good, but the lack of tire degredation and the dirty air made it really hard to pass anyone. So I had to take a bit of risk with the pit strategy, but luckily it worked out and could salvage a 2nd place finish.

    Carletto7777 I don't think Maik Albrecht was in this race.. ?(

    thanks jeroen, I got confused with Steinicke.

    Great race strategy

    Bueno Jose Carlos, tampoco hay que cogérsela con papel de fumar, que después te fuiste al interior y ya ves lo que te luché.

    En lo del tema del apron te doy toda razón, pero el iba ya desde hace unas vueltas forzando bastante, más lento, incluso diría que bloqueando, que ojo, está en su derecho el pelear la posición, así que no quise meterme en el apron. Mala suerte y quizás pequé de optimista, de ahí a ser un cerdo, no ser limpio, hacerlo intencionadamente, creo que va un abismo. De todas formas y sin que sirva de excusa, después del parón que he tenido de 3 meses por temas personales sin poder tocar simulador, he perdido bastante ritmo, espero poder estar en forma pronto y veremos si sigo siendo igual o más paquete de lo que era antes.

    Joder pero si lo viste simplemente dije ¡ai que ver que se sube! jajajaja

    Fuiste listo en no pelearme porque si no el de detrás tambien te iba a adelantar, pero si ves mi maniobra intento salir mas rapido que tu haciendo el lazo para poder ganarte el paralelo en el aipron.

    Bueno me alegro que se acabaran los temas personales y vuelvas al sim, que estamos para divertirnos y aprender.

    Yo lo decía porque la maniobra que le hizo a Toni, me pareció incluso peor que la burrada intencionada que parece he hecho yo, si Toni no se abre ya sabemos como termina la cosa. Pero si Toni está de acuerdo con cosas así, no soy yo quien va a decir lo contrario, es más no debería ni haberlo puesto como ejemplo. Además, dice Gabriel que se lo hace porque el lo había hecho antes. Muy deportivo :)

    No e visto la accion de Gabriel y Toni osea que no puedo juzgarla, tampoco e entrado en la polémica de la acción que tuviste con el, ni en el insulto que te dirige que lo veo totalmente inadecuado y fuera de lugar aunque entienda que despues de que lo mates dos veces seguidas esa sea su reacción, que no lo justifico eh! No e leído en ningún momento que dijera que sea intencionado a lo mejor no lo a traducido bien el traductor.

    Si entro en la polémica es culpa tuya bajo mi opinión, te subes de linea antes de lo que lo tienes que hacer, tu mayor error en esa accion es no haberte subido al aipron para ganarle ventaja y llegar a la curva por delante de el.

    Por otro lado solo digo que llevo corriendo con el bastante tiempo y es uno de los tios mas limpios y agresivos con los que peleo, que además aquí en la V.O hay bastante gente que va igual, creo que todo el mundo cambia su conducción dependiendo de a quién te enfrentes, yo al menos lo hago... si son limpios conmigo yo tambien lo soy si son unos cerdos te perdono una y dos a la tercera...

    De hecho ahora que hablamos en la vuelta 31 me e cabreado un poco contigo te iba a hacer un exterior pero en mitad de la curva te subiste si no abro dirección me voy al muro, puedes verlo en mi strean si quieres