2024-10-20 Class A #11 Las Vegas Motor Speedway

  • die kacke am schuh... die ganze zeit vergeigts wer vor mir und zieht mich mit. am schluss noch schön gedreht worden für Plast. grossartiger abend...

    die kombi ist geil und das setup gefällt mir. braucht mal ein wenig skill um rumzukommen. hat spass gemacht. das ergebniss ist dafür zum kotzen

    Driver of the #16 Incubeta Toyota for Rising Star Motorsports

    VO/GNC SNOS Champ '08, '09, '11-1 & '11-2 / VO Class A Champ '19-1
    VO/GNC Winter Series Champ '08/'09

    MTR Truck Series Champ 2021s4, 2022s1, 2022s2, 2022s3 & 2023s2

    VR DOM RotY '06

    eS iSt FüR aLlE gLeIcH!!!111


  • Good win!

    That did not last long for me. I could not avoid car in front that got loose in T4.

    Also, no words for the wreck that took out Jose and Jakub. Can the league please ask drivers with dangerous driving cars, many laps down, to just park it at some point? This is beyond embarrassing to watch happen and it is not the first time.

  • die kacke am schuh... die ganze zeit vergeigts wer vor mir und zieht mich mit. am schluss noch schön gedreht worden für Plast. grossartiger abend...

    die kombi ist geil und das setup gefällt mir. braucht mal ein wenig skill um rumzukommen. hat spass gemacht. das ergebniss ist dafür zum kotzen

    if I stayed a bit lower the story would have been different, my bad about that, I was having so much fun racing with ya up until that point

    I got too tight with the fresh cold tyres there, shouldn't have messed up that exit that bad and put you in that situation

    feel free to protest that and will accept any penalties


    "TERCAP" Chevrolet Camaro

    My first win! :yeah:

  • I understand accidents, as they are part of racing, as long as it is a one-off mistake that we can all make. We are not machines.

    What I don't understand are the same situations race after race.

    What are you going to win with 15 laps lost? What are you going to win if the same thing happened to you one lap before? What are you going to win if you don't train and don't race official races?
    I understand that we all want to enjoy the championship, what I don't understand is where is the point where you enjoy it and other riders stop enjoying it.
    In the regulation itself it is stipulated or am I the one who does not understand what it says in article 4.5?

    #03 José Carlos Izquierdo

    Team Lucky Dogs


  • Da wäre mehr drin gewesen. Q hab ich ausgelassen, da ich eh keine gute Zeit in der Hotlap gehabt hätte. (der Teamname ist nur Show :D ).

    Im Rennen 1x eine richtig dumme Entscheidung getroffen, als es hieß Pit ist offen, aber das war nur, weil das PC 6s hinter mir war. Also einmal durchrollen, dabei 6 Plätze verlieren und normal pitten. Mein Glück war, das einige hinter mit denselben Fehler begingen, aber mit regeulärem Pit.

    Statt um P15 gings also nur um P20-22. Zum Schluss keine Reifen mehr, dadurch noch durchgereicht wurden. Bissl enttäuschend, aber ansich okayes Rennen.

    Edited once, last by Yves (October 21, 2024 at 8:39 AM).

  • I agree with Badbeatbill. If you are multiple laps down and you are not sure that you can control the car, it would be better to park it. In this case, it was a very bad decision to go to the middle of the track, when other cars are coming up behind you. I don't know if the ''Sorry!'' reaction in the chat was based on this incident, but I would expect a different reaction if you screw up two people's race like that.

  • I agree with Badbeatbill. If you are multiple laps down and you are not sure that you can control the car, it would be better to park it. In this case, it was a very bad decision to go to the middle of the track, when other cars are coming up behind you. I don't know if the ''Sorry!'' reaction in the chat was based on this incident, but I would expect a different reaction if you screw up two people's race like that.

    Ah, you were expecting an apology?
    I'm still waiting for the one from Bristol.... or the walking glens.

    #03 José Carlos Izquierdo

    Team Lucky Dogs
