2024-02-25 Class A Pro #4 Atlanta Motor Speedway

  • I want to apologize to Jakub for the incident under the first yellow flag, when I realized I had damage to the steering it was too late to avoid getting on the track.

    I also want to apologize to Erik for slowing us down preparing for a restart when we catch the group.
    Congrats to the Podium guys! :bier:

  • Carletto7777 Muchas disculpas por eso bajo la advertencia. Mi coche quedó muy dañado y cuando me acercaba a ti en la curva 1-2, frené y me llevó directo hacia ti.

    Petr Smetana I find it disrespectful to the organization, to the drivers and to all the spectators who watch the races. Don't apologize for something you did on purpose and try to excuse so the organization doesn't punish you too hard.

  • wie erwartet wars extrem anstrengend... sidedrafts, tighte inside die hochrutscht, bad bumps und change lines. das ganze programm...

    sorry für den schupser unter white. ich hab nur gesehen wie es auf der outside unruhig wird und jemand in die wand fuhr. ich wollte nichts auf recht quarterpannel bekommen und bin dadurch nach unten gezuckt und hab kev beührt was eine kettenreaktion zur folge hatte. grosses dafür.... lo siento :(

    Driver of the #16 Incubeta Toyota for Rising Star Motorsports

    VO/GNC SNOS Champ '08, '09, '11-1 & '11-2 / VO Class A Champ '19-1
    VO/GNC Winter Series Champ '08/'09

    MTR Truck Series Champ 2021s4, 2022s1, 2022s2, 2022s3 & 2023s2

    VR DOM RotY '06

    eS iSt FüR aLlE gLeIcH!!!111


  • Carletto7777 I don't deny that I wanted to show my displeasure about the latest accident. But I definitely didn't want to do it this way. I wanted to do it like in real life how they do it when they drive up to the car And show hand out od the window. However, with the damage I had, my car swerved to the left more than I would have liked. But I understand your point that it looks the way it does now.

  • Very messy race. Also from my end.

    On the restart on lap 99, I had to check up in the middle of an upshift. And that turned into a misshift, slowing down everyone behind me. Sorry my bad, that hardly ever happens to me.

    On lap 143 there is an incident coming out of T2. We scatter but there is no caution yet, so need to keep up the speed mostly. I went below the apron to avoid the incident. As I merge that turns into a 4-wide and an incident/caution. We were pretty much forced into that situation, with some having to lift more than others. Would be good if iracing spotter could call 4-wide...

    On the white flag lap I get turned going into T1. Could have done without this race (and track reconfiguration).

  • After a while of tranquility, I have to say that I had a lot of fun with the race, pushing even in curves to try to make a difference, spectacular end of the race.

    We all know how Atlanta is now, and this kind of races I delete these from the calendar and run them for fun.

    I love people like Carsten or Kevin Adam who are able to hold the car so that the driver behind can push hard and easily.

    Congratulations to the winner

    See you at the next one

  • Carletto7777 I don't deny that I wanted to show my displeasure about the latest accident. But I didn't want to do it this way. I wanted to do it like in real life how they do it when they drive up to the car And show hands out od the window. However, with the damage I had, my car swerved to the left more than I would have liked. But I understand your point that it looks the way it does now.

    It's been a long time since I've reported anyone but this time it will be up to the judges to decide. :)

    Tip: watch the replay before judging the action, I say this from experience.

  • Die Odyssee geht weiter. Diesmal war das Rennen schon nach 24 Runden gelaufen. Nach den 6min Repair ging mitten im 3-wide beim erneuten gelappt werden der Motor hoch.

    Mir ein Rätsel, wie andere in Crashs verwickelt werden und trotzdem fast das Rennen gewinnen. Das ist doch alles nicht mehr normal.

    Grundsätzlich kann ich mit dem Pech leben, aber ich hätte schon gern wenigstens 75% des Rennens ein Rennen, aber so...

    Einziger Trost: Kann nur besser werden.

  • after the incident 8 minutes of required repairs and 2 minutes of optional, at that moment for me the race could have been over, but I decided not to abandon and continue after the repairs. there is no evil that lasts a hundred years and no body that can endure it. I hope that this run of bad luck ends and end with the high speed circuits. congratulations to the winners and greetings to all,,,,,

  • Die Odyssee geht weiter. Diesmal war das Rennen schon nach 24 Runden gelaufen. Nach den 6min Repair ging mitten im 3-wide beim erneuten gelappt werden der Motor hoch.

    Mir ein Rätsel, wie andere in Crashs verwickelt werden und trotzdem fast das Rennen gewinnen. Das ist doch alles nicht mehr normal.

    Grundsätzlich kann ich mit dem Pech leben, aber ich hätte schon gern wenigstens 75% des Rennens ein Rennen, aber so...

    Einziger Trost: Kann nur besser werden.

    das ist mir oft auch ein rätsel. die art des schadens ist entschiedend. es gilt halt immer engine damage zu verhindern. finde das geht recht gut, aber halt nicht immer. du hattest vermutlich nicht mehr 1999/2000 RPM und dann kann er jederzeit hochgehen.

    aeroschaden unter 12,5s ist egal. bis ca. 30-40s sind noch ganz ok (spürbar aber kein todesurtel). alles drüber ist mies. immer vorausgesetzt, dass man es ganz abreparieren lässt.

    Driver of the #16 Incubeta Toyota for Rising Star Motorsports

    VO/GNC SNOS Champ '08, '09, '11-1 & '11-2 / VO Class A Champ '19-1
    VO/GNC Winter Series Champ '08/'09

    MTR Truck Series Champ 2021s4, 2022s1, 2022s2, 2022s3 & 2023s2

    VR DOM RotY '06

    eS iSt FüR aLlE gLeIcH!!!111


  • This race could be summed up with a word ''wild''. But I think at times it was too much. Especially in the opening part of the race. My day started very well with the second place in the qualifying. I expected a calm start to the race, but the opposite was true. I was almost spun by Maik in the turn 3-4. I saved it but lost a lot of positions. After that I was involved in the first bigger accident and had some damage. I was surprised the engine survived. Apology accepted Jalberillo. I was surprised when you appeared in front of me, there was nothing I could do about it. Then it was very hard to make a progress to the front. The both lines were side-by-side. In addition, I felt that even though I fixed the car, something was missing. Another accident I was involved in was in turn 1-2 when I was spun by one of the cars.

    The final part of the race was crazy. In the end, I left everything I could. At one point I was in a three wide situation with Carletto7777 and Daniel A. next to me. Nice job guys, clean and mainly without a wreck, this is what it should look like. In the final lap I was very lucky. Especially when Gabriel sent Kevin off track on turn 3-4. I managed to avoided that wreck and on the finish straight I moved two more places to the final fifth place. I take this position with all ten, after my car definitely had some damage. Congratulations to the winner of the race! :top:

  • das ist mir oft auch ein rätsel. die art des schadens ist entschiedend. es gilt halt immer engine damage zu verhindern. finde das geht recht gut, aber halt nicht immer. du hattest vermutlich nicht mehr 1999/2000 RPM und dann kann er jederzeit hochgehen.

    aeroschaden unter 12,5s ist egal. bis ca. 30-40s sind noch ganz ok (spürbar aber kein todesurtel). alles drüber ist mies. immer vorausgesetzt, dass man es ganz abreparieren lässt.

    Der gleiche Unfall.
    Roland fährt volle Lotte in Jesus rein, und ich in Kelvin. Speed von uns beiden in etwa gleich. Speed vom "Ziel" ebenso.

    Roland ist mit -6L ins Ziel, bei mir zerlegt es den Motor.

    Irgendwas ist da inkonsistent.

  • Ja, meiner Engine hatte es nicht geschadet. Ich hatte -6L aber nur wegen eigener Doofheit. Pitten bei geschlossener Box inkl. Speeding, dann Speeding am Exit und somit nochmal Hold für 120 Sekunden :#

    Roland "Smokey" Rauch

    proud driver of the Team WildBoyz Toyota #8